Monday, May 31, 2010

Artistic Expressions

My art reflects the complexity of flowing emotions, hints and glimpses of images and ideas, urges, prompting, the deep need to create from the soul. I try to convey the full dimension of life on earth, humanity's relations with itself, with nature, with God, as their personal needs and interests dictate.
Everyday, I have the need to go to my easel to assuage the inner force within demanding that I act, demanding its release, developing my expressive vision. When I draw or paint it flows smoothly, fluently, irresistibly, vibrantly to its conclusion. The creative process seems as inevitable as forces of nature (which they are), a souring eagle riding through the high wind, the sun's intensity of hue, a torrential downpour, the flowers in spring pushing their way through the warming earth to reach the intense light.
I feel incomplete without the intimate relationship with the beauty of nature and life that the creation of art implies. Art is a blend of thoughts and emotions from the heart and soul. Creativity is what happens when the raw material of reality is filtered through a consciousness and transformed into a significant artistic vision.

The greatest fear that I have is not of failure or success, but looking back and seeing that I never really tried. I never pushed the limits of my artistic abilities, feelings, emotions and perceptions. The challenge is to develop and evolve a significant vision that expresses both my feelings and those of my era in the context of timeless human experience. Then, the biggest task is getting it out in the world, trying to make gallery people and collectors understand what has been achieved.

I work with several different types of mediums: watercolors, graphite pencils, clorox bleach washes, acrylic, oils and color pencils. The subjects vary from Religous Icons, fantasy, portraits, nature and contempory modern images.

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